(Version in English)
What I worry about is not that there are few psychopaths ready to give orders to repress hit, stop, humiliate and even kill people, what is really worrying is that there is much more willing to comply, to fulfill their supposed duty even immoral and ultimately undermines its own interests, because these poor policemen who advocate an order that is not yours, are in the first line, for the elites are as disposable as the rest are at the margin, doing the dirty work for others.
The police state is tested in the United States for export to the world with the World Government.
It is tested with the most vulnerable communities.
Americans do not react or react to very little direct attacks on individual freedoms, former national pride. The patriotic laws I and II of George W. Bush to spy, listen to phone conversations, emails and mails intervene citizens by mere suspicion, the law of Obama (31 December 2011) to detain without trial any person without time limit is another step. I think then they will go against unarmed civilian population of the United States. A very important and high-budget sector. Somehow already been affected by taxes more expensive domestic purchasing ammunition, but is on the power planification simply to disarm the population in general. How could they do this at home with the greatest tradition in the use of firearms? Could be useful for this purpose aggressive media campaigns after dramatic events like massacres in schools with dead and wounded children. Things to inflame the minds of public opinion, Problem-Reaction-Solution.
They raised the blame it on the weapons in civilian hands and then to the law and confiscation is a step. In fact the confiscation of weapons in civilian hands and became, in the days following the flood of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina
More information on The police state: (spanish)
Killed by police
Killed by PoliceKilled by police
Killed by police
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